Sponsoring a Stolperstein

Stolperstein putzen Hermann Jacks

Producing, shipping and setting a Stolperstein currently costs about 120 euros. The stones are made in Berlin by the sculptor Michael Friedrichs-Friedlaender. As most of the stones are laid by Gunter Demnig himself, further costs may be involved. These include travel and accommodation costs for him and his driver, depending on travel distances. Gunter Demnig can be requested to make a presentation in addition to the setting and if he agrees, it will cost an additional 200 euro plus VAT.

Due to the Corona pandemic it is currently not possible to set the stones with Gunter Demnig in person, but they can still be shipped and set at the site.

In order to finance the setting of a Stolperstein, many Stolperstein initiatives set up accounts and ask for donations. It is possible to set up sponsorship accounts for individual Stolpersteine. To get support for your Stolperstein project, you can contact various local bodies such as local businesses, associations and institutions, housing associations, banks or foundations and ask these institutions to sponsor your project. Of course, individuals can also take on one or more sponsorships. The sponsor bears all or part of the costs for the production and setting of a Stolperstein. There are also shared sponsorships for one or more stones.